It’s Rossy!

Oct. 23, 2019

David Ross, former RedSox and Cubs catcher, mentor to many 2016 World Series team members, will become the new Cubs manager, the Chicago Sun-Times said, today. Ross replaces Joe Maddon and will primarily be charged with motivating young position players to produce. The same should go for the whole team. Official announcement will come Thursday, according to the Sun-Times.

Hopefully, his well-regarded team leadership skills from 2016 will catch fire and overshadow his lack of managerial experience. That and the irksomely LONG Chicago tradition (PK Wrigley and Mike McCaskey) of  putting fannies in the seats. Remember, sentiment sells tickets – even Leo Durocher couldn’t break that mold.

You can’t not like Rossy, but I’d have been more future-confident with Espada.


Man Catches Huge Northern While Wife Runs Marathon!

Oct. 15, 2019

Crestwood resident Dustin Perkins caught a big (no fish tale as the pic shows) northern pike at the 11th St. bridge Sunday, while his wife, Michelle Perkins ran the Chicago Marathon and finished Ninth – again, no fish tale.

Without a doubt, the elated couple celebrated that night – but gave no indication of the wine selection, or who cleaned the fish!

Orig. story by the Chicago Sun-Times.

The Last Good Night

Oct. 10, 2019

I wasn’t going to go out in the evening. I had already been out earlier in the day and now it looked like rain, but I had to go out again. By all weather reports, this was the last warm night. Still near 70 at 6:30.

I walked to the parking lot across from the train station and stayed there for most of an hour. The last rush hour Metra train came. People departed and came down the long, wooden staircase, either headed to their cars or they walked home. After the train passed, it was quiet.

I laid out some nuts for my pet squirrel, Buddy, who lives in a tree where I smoke my pipe. Buddy was likely asleep. You rarely see squirrels out in the evening. Then, I did what I do most every day – leaned against the remains of an old fence and smoked. Only it was after dark.

A few more people passed, a few cars drove by. The pipe factory (water and gas pipes) was still operating an extended day shift. After a short while, two large, black SUVs pulled into the parking lot, near where I was standing. They were both Metra Police – spelled out in huge letters on the sides of their cars.

I waved at the gal in the SUV nearest me. She waved back. There was a gal in the other car, too. They got out, chatting as they walked to the station. Nothing seemed to be up – they just appeared to be doing a routine check.

It was time to go. I walked toward home, but it was a night where the air was warm and the smell of late summer still lingered in the air. I walked slowly.

I had been taking pictures with my flip phone and was hoping to catch the chihuahua – another buddy – who sits on the stairs of the Spanish lady’s house and barks at me. She has an agressive bark like all little dogs do, but she’s usually saying hello. She was in for the night because the front door of the house was closed. It’s usually wide open if the family is home during the day.

There were only a few more houses to go until I had to turn to go to the Senior Residence, where I live. I stopped. A sole cricket was singing the last notes of his summer song. I stood there, listening, while all good summer memories of many years flooded my mind. They were brought out by that cricket’s chirp. I took a picture of where the music was coming from, then decided to walk to the Jewel for some ice cream before I went home.

It Might Be, It Could Be…

Oct. 10, 2019

Girardi has a proven track record, was a Cub and is a hometown guy. He was manager of the year in 2006 with the Marlins and went on to a winning 10-yr. stint with the Yankees.

David Ross doesn’t have managerial experience but he was the prime clubhouse motivator for the 2016 World Series team, and many of the players are still (for now) with the Cubs.

We’re in a Win-Win if we make the right trades! 



Oct. 8, 2919

She was so talented. They all were. And they were all our friends-next-door. Karen was my first crush (i was 4 when the MickeyMouseClub debuted).

We never met, of course – it was all TV from afar. I did get to meet Sharon, Bobby and Cubby in 2007. They were so friendly, it seemed we knew each other for years.

Karen was a hero. After a nearly fatal car crash paralyzed her in 1983, Karen went on to earn a BA and MA in Psychology and fight for battered  women and became a member of the Calif. Board for the Physically Disabled.

Rest peacefully, my little love!

I see this house on my walks thru Old Irving

Oct. 3, 2019

Built in 1872 – a year after the great Chicago Fire. Empire style – it’s been restored and remodeled, kept up and lived in throughout the years. $775,000.

Check out the inside – gorgeous! I shot the exterior (not this shot) on a photo assignment about 10 yrs. back. I really enjoy the architecture of Old Irving.