R&VR 2

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Egg yolks are not our enemy. For the selenium alone. And cholesterol is not bad for you.

I’ve searched for the most nutrient dense foods, where a little goes a long way. Power foods. I found the answer – eat what you eat, but eat smaller. And go for a walk.

Michael Medved was just on Dennis Prager’s show. He’s got a book out about God’s continuing providence in America. He said the lead bomber for Japan in the Pearl Harbor attack, confessed that he saw God’s hand on America and Pearl Harbor – during the bombing. He became a Christian, moved to America and appeared at crusades with Billy  Graham.

There would be no good without evil because there would be no way to gauge either. But for all the free will, there would be neither without the consequence and rewards of choice established in God’s natural order.

If you customize it, the Fender Mustang is better than the Gibson SG.

Walter Becker and Donald Fagen went to Bard College, and became true bards. They were Jack Londons, postbeat. Call of the Urban Wild.

If you eat enough Lactose free ice cream, it’ll effect your system just like regular ice cream. In some cases (ahem) in the middle of the night.

[Radio commercial – lady’s voice, husky, hoarse, a bit of a southern drawl.] “Ah used to have these brown, scaly creepy things all over mah face. They was ugly, I tell ya. But then I took this pill, this one l’il pill with all this food in it, so they say. Ah swallowed it, and all of a sudden, ah looked like a supermodel and became as rah-pay-sheeous as a 20-year old! Ah do cartwheels all day long now an’ only stop tah take another pill! Ahm gonna live for-ever! Whoo!” [Voices fades, announcer’s voice fades in.] “For only  $130 bucks a month – and if you give us every bit of private information your own, we’ll drop that price down to a special $125.99 – you too can have this highly reaserched, highly developed, fountain of snake oil. Give us your phone number and all your passwords, NOW!”

Black Friday conceals the fact that the blacker the Friday, the redder the Saturday for consumers’ checking accounts.

Have a great Thanksgiving, everybody. I have to make green beans and croutons for the celebration at my sister’s house tomorrow.

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