Happy 30, Kevin!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

So it went this fast. You were born, you started PreK-3, then you were five, we were playing ‘Take me to the Powerhouse,’ (Zion), then Grade School, Luther North, Dominican, Iowa, California…

Holy Smokes! All those walks to Forest Glen, AWANA, singing songs, The Buffalo Club, Poetry Corner, falling out of bed laughing at my silly jokes, Sweets,

Grandma and Grandpa, plays at Messiah, building that clay volcano in the sink, home haircuts!, your first (Tandy) computer, making those race cars downstairs in the wood shop, tricycles, bicycles, batting a ball, catching a ball, catching your first fish,

geocaching with your buddies, the Higher (and Lower) at FG, GPS on our walks, making stars shoot out of chimneys by jumping up and down, trips to White Pines, Drama Club at Luther, Homecoming, choir, piano lessons,

drums, the trumpet, Graduation, moving into the dorm at Dominican with Tim Little, learning to drive, living on your own, heading west to Iowa State, meeting Jakki, and then California.

And now you’re 30. Haven’t seen you in quite a few years, but I love you, son – in all the stages of your life. And forever. God Bless you and Happy Birthday.

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