Valerian – Happy, Healthy but watch those Dreams

April 23, 2023

Good thing it’s in capsule form because it smells like an old sock. It helps regulate my blood pressure. I’ve had a lot of trouble with spikes the past few years, kinda scary but we’re always looking for the latest, greatest tweak.

Valerian will relax your nerves. It calms you. I’m not new to it – the pill messed with my heart rhythm a few years back so I stopped taking it. Now I’m using it in smaller doses and it seems to be doing the trick.

But there’s a caveat to this herbal valium. Says on the bottle and online that it can give you ‘vivid dreams’. It can give you nightmares too, but I never had one while under its influence. But that doesn’t mean I was home free…

A week or so ago, sound asleep, I found myself in a church, several rows from the altar. I was in the aisle and the guy on the end of the pew was Lee Loughnane. Lee, as many of you know, maybe some don’t, is the original trumpet player with the band Chicago. Still with them, from what I hear.

He’s looking up at me, holding his trumpet, smiling, apparently for no less reason than I was holding a trombone and playing a diatonic scale. That’s right: DoReMiFaSolLaTiDo.

I did it well, if I don’t say. But I don’t play trombone. Never have, never will. I know a lot of players who do, and they do it well, but not me. I play guitar, if you remember.

Despite the acute lack of reality, Lee liked what I did (that makes me laugh right there). I must’ve been wearing my lucky old socks.

Lee Loughnane – DePaul grad, trumpetist extraordinaire


My book’s finally going to be out – all three volumes will soon be available in e-book on Kindle and all the other e-platforms. Delayed because of business glitches and a couple of monkey wrenches – you know how that goes. Please watch for it. Tx.


Been taking some great walks, early in the season, watching flowers blossom, trees sprout leaves, and lawns turn green again. Thankful! That sums it up. Didn’t think I’d be here for another year but I’m sure glad I am. Now if the Cubs would win most of their series.

Oh – I posted spring pics on Instagram (randypizza100). New to it, but finding my way and making friends.


‘The essence of all that’s good is in humor.‘ – Brian Wilson

I met a gal who was so tall – how tall was she? She was so tall, she could catch geese with a rake! – me

Did you hear about the guy who worked so hard at the muffler shop, he had to quit? Yeah, he was exhausted (muffled applause). – Ray L.

See you next time!

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