For my friends and readers:

The Return of the Trumpet – The Prologue

“THE SOUND OF screeching brass scratched across the Heavens, followed closely by a thunderous, mourning wail. An angel of light and music had broken off, and in his insolence, challenged the Holy. The battle raged, until Heaven itself could no longer bear the rending and evacuated the angel, who lost his glory and grew dark.

Thrown down with terrible force, the angel spun uncontrollably, accelerating in his descent. Stars and sky rapidly gave way to earth, revealing a blur of streaking colors expanding beneath him, accompanied by deep, rising sounds. The spinning slowed, and he began to absorb the spectacle.

Satan came to him and whispered a new name, “The Adiinnildin, Great Spirit of the Light.”

The angel crashed in a remote part of the Northern Hemisphere, a land of sometimes constant sun, yet deeply frozen. He lay for a moment, facedown, sizzling in the ice, then drawing energy from the shocking cold, he stood up and began to walk toward what he heard and saw.

The entire planet, sparsely populated in that epoch of time, shuddered with a deep, twisting tremor.”

Excerpt From: Randy Baran. “The Return of the Trumpet”

I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to friends, fans and family – some of who toiled hard on the production of this project and all of whom hung tight for the almost 40 years it took to bring it to completion. As one writer (Susan DeLay) graciously wrote: “Of all the advice and prayers Brad Tillman (protagonist) receives as he embarks on his quest, his mother’s wisdom rings true: ‘There’s a great joy in this. Hold onto that joy and never let go. It’ll be your best weapon.’ ” With all my ability and all my heart, I bring you that joy. RB

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